— The Client


Cox Communications


— Services

Customer Experience (CX) + Usability Testing
Insight-driven journey mapping leads to successful connected device launch

— The Context

As the American senior population grows,


American healthcare costs grow with it. Longer life spans have led to more active and connected livelihoods for seniors — priming the home healthcare technology and services market for explosive growth in the coming years.

— The Challenge


Well placed as a central nervous system for in-home media and communication technology,

Cox is uniquely positioned to deliver innovative and disruptive solutions for the growing home healthcare market. Cox developed an at-home senior care service — Homelife Care — but wanted to better understand the unique needs of its users. How will seniors and their adult caretakers interact with the Homelife Care experience? How can Cox better address user needs across the full customer lifecycle?

— The Solution


Cox set out to pilot a medical alert system offering within an initial market area.

Prior to launch, IXP was engaged to review and recommend both internal and external experience optimizations. IXP conducted stakeholder interviews and usability testing for the Homelife Care mobile app to gather a robust set of data points. Simultaneously, we studied the competitive landscape, gathering insight to uncover user experience gaps or deltas across the category. Once collected, the data fed an in-depth workshop to optimize operational workflows and improve the user experience across the lifecycle — supporting a successful pilot launch.